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Shakespeare & Co.
Shakespeare, Spenser, Donne: Renaissance Essays
by Frank Kermode
The Masks of Othello
by Marvin Rosenberg
The Masks of King Lear
by Marvin Rosenberg
Hero and Saint: Shakespeare and the Graeco-Roman Heroic Tradition
by Reuben A. Brower
October 5, 1972 issue
Coleridge: The Wound Without the Bow
Coleridge, The Damaged Archangel
by Norman Fruman
May 4, 1972 issue
A Tract for the Times
The Friend
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, edited by Barbara E. Rooke
April 22, 1971 issue
Taming the Albatross
Coleridge's Philosophy of Literature: The Development of a Concept of Poetry 1791-1819
by J.A. Appleyard S.J.
The Annotated Ancient Mariner
illustrated by Gustave Doré, with an Introduction and Notes by Martin Gardner
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
with ten engravings on copper and a Foreword by David Jones
May 26, 1966 issue
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