
Marshall Frady

Marshall Frady’s books include Wallace, Billy Graham, Southerners, Jesse: The Life and Pilgrimage of Jesse Jackson, and, most recently, Martin Luther King, Jr. He is currently writing a biography of Fidel Castro. (February 2004)

An American Tragedy

And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank

by Steve Oney

February 12, 2004 issue

The Big Guy

The Big Guy

The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Master of the Senate

by Robert A. Caro

November 7, 2002 issue

The Buck Stops Here

The Buck Stops Here

Governing America: An Insider's Report from the White House and the Cabinet

by Joseph A. Califano Jr.

October 8, 1981 issue

Jerry for President?


by Orville Schell

Jerry Brown: The Philosopher-Prince

by Robert Pack

Jerry Brown: The Man on the White Horse

by J.D. Lorenz

Jerry Brown: In a Plain Brown Wrapper

by John C. Bollens and G. Robert Williams

September 28, 1978 issue



Huey Long

by T. Harry Williams

February 26, 1970 issue

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