Philosophy for Winners
The Dream of Reason: A History of Western Philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance
by Anthony Gottlieb
November 1, 2001 issue
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M.F. Burnyeat is Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy at All Souls College, Oxford. He is the author of The Theaetetus of Plato and A Map of Metaphysics Zeta. (November 2001)
Philosophy for Winners
The Dream of Reason: A History of Western Philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance
by Anthony Gottlieb
November 1, 2001 issue
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Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy
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The Virtues of Plato
Plato: The Written and Unwritten Doctrines
by J.N. Findlay
Plato and Platonism: An Introduction
by J.N. Findlay
Plato's Moral Theory: The Early and Middle Dialogues
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