Tears on the Kimono
A Tale of Flowering Fortunes: Annals of Japanese Aristocratic Life in the Heian Period
translated with an introduction and notes by William H. McCullough and Helen Craig McCullough
April 16, 1981 issue
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Tears on the Kimono
A Tale of Flowering Fortunes: Annals of Japanese Aristocratic Life in the Heian Period
translated with an introduction and notes by William H. McCullough and Helen Craig McCullough
April 16, 1981 issue
Cult of the Sword
Administrators, poets, sages, and warriors: for three centuries, the samurai class in Japan maintained its military spirit during times of peace and preserved its traditions of art and philosophy during times of strife.
Some Japanese Portraits
by Donald Keene
Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai
by Tsunetomo Yamamoto, translated by William Scott Wilson
Giving Up the Gun: Japan's Reversion to the Sword, 1543-1879
by Noel Perrin
October 11, 1979 issue
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