
R. Crumb

R. Crumb has used the popular medium of the comic book to address the absurdity of social conventions, political disillusionment, irony, racial and gender stereotypes, sexual fantasies, and fetishes for decades. Inspired by Thomas Nast, Honoré Daumier, T.S. Sullivant, James Gillray, and others, his drawings are a satirical critique of modern consumer culture. Crumb joined David Zwirner in 2006, and since then Zwirner’s London and New York galleries have exhibited his work. His 2010 gallery show, The Bible Illuminated: R. Crumb’s Book of Genesis, presented 207 individual black-and-white drawings from his The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. Crumb. He has published many books and his work is represented in galleries and museum collections worldwide. (June 2020)

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