
Tobi Haslett

Tobi Haslett has written about art, film, and literature for n+1, The New Yorker, Artforum, and other publications. (December 2022)

A Dream of a Great Burning

A Dream of a Great Burning

John Edgar Wideman was once too late to produce a revolutionary literature; now he may be too early.

Look for Me and I’ll Be Gone

by John Edgar Wideman


by John Edgar Wideman

A Glance Away

by John Edgar Wideman

Hurry Home

by John Edgar Wideman

The Lynchers

by John Edgar Wideman

The Homewood Books: Damballah, Hiding Place, Sent for You Yesterday

by John Edgar Wideman

Brothers and Keepers

by John Edgar Wideman

Philadelphia Fire

by John Edgar Wideman

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December 22, 2022 issue

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