God’s Gift to Men
Like so many girl-power extravaganzas that seek to celebrate what a long way we’ve come, baby, ‘Wonder Woman’ ends up illustrating the opposite.
Wonder Woman
a film directed by Patty Jenkins
August 17, 2017 issue
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Zoë Heller is the author of Everything You Know, Notes on a Scandal, and The Believers. (August 2017)
God’s Gift to Men
Like so many girl-power extravaganzas that seek to celebrate what a long way we’ve come, baby, ‘Wonder Woman’ ends up illustrating the opposite.
Wonder Woman
a film directed by Patty Jenkins
August 17, 2017 issue
‘Hot’ Sex & Young Girls
Two new books argue that signs of progress have given us an unduly rosy impression of the modern girl’s lot.
American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers
by Nancy Jo Sales
Girls and Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape
by Peggy Orenstein
August 18, 2016 issue
Hillary & Women
Clinton’s record as an advocate for women is distinctly uneven
Broad Influence: How Women Are Changing the Way America Works
by Jay Newton-Small
My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency
by Doug Henwood
April 7, 2016 issue
The Queen on Broadway
Après elle, le déluge
The Audience
a play by Peter Morgan, directed by Stephen Daldry, at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre, New York City, March 8–June 28, 2015
April 23, 2015 issue
The Hard Work of Marriage
David Fincher’s ‘Gone Girl’
Gone Girl
a film directed by David Fincher
December 4, 2014 issue
Cool, Yet Warm
‘Forty-One False Starts: Essays’ by Janet Malcolm
Forty-One False Starts: Essays on Artists and Writers
by Janet Malcolm
June 20, 2013 issue
The Salman Rushdie Case
On ‘Joseph Anton: A Memoir’
Joseph Anton: A Memoir
by Salman Rushdie
December 20, 2012 issue
Pride and Prejudice
Naomi Wolf’s ‘Vagina: A New Biography’
Vagina: A New Biography
by Naomi Wolf
September 27, 2012 issue
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