
The View from the Precipice

The Origins of Christian Art

by Michael Gough

Handbook of the Byzantine Collection

Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC

The Art of the Byzantine Empire, 312-1453 AD, Sources and Documents

by Cyril Mango

The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy

by Thomas F. Mathews

The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai: The Church and Fortress of Justinian

by George H. Forsyth and Kurt Weitzmann

Treasures of Ireland: Irish Pagan and Early Christian Art

by A.T. Lucas

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The Poetry of Neruda

Residence on Earth

by Pablo Neruda, translated by Donald D. Walsh


by Pablo Neruda, translated by Alastair Reid

Five Decades: A Selection (Poems: 1925-1970)

by Pablo Neruda, edited and translated by Ben Belitt

Freud and Women

Psychoanalysis and Feminism: Freud, Reich, Laing, and Women

by Juliet Mitchell

Women and Analysis

edited by Jean Strouse

Psychoanalysis and Women

edited by Jean Baker Miller

Rogue Poet

Lord Rochester's Monkey

by Graham Greene

Seeing Slavery Whole

Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made

by Eugene D. Genovese

Killers and Jokers

The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence

by Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks

That’s Entertainment

Le Petit Théâtre de Jean Renoir

directed by Jean Renoir

Jean Renoir

by Raymond Durgnat

Harold and Maude

directed by Hal Ashby

The Long View

by Basil Wright

British Blushes

Keats and Embarrassment

by Christopher Ricks

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