
John Ashbery (1927–2017)

He was lionized, imitated, studied, analyzed, enshrined, revered.

Who Killed the ERA?

Was the amendment the cause of polarization or its victim? Or did it turn out to be something else: a catalyst for positive change?

Divided We Stand: The Battle Over Women’s Rights and Family Values That Polarized American Politics

by Marjorie J. Spruill

Moses in Mexico

On Cristobal de Villalpando’s altarpiece

Cristóbal de Villalpando: Mexican Painter of the Baroque

an exhibition at the Palacio de Cultura Citibanamex–Palacio de Iturbide, Mexico City, March 9–June 4, 2017; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, July 25–October 15, 2017

Splendid Isolation

‘Dunkirk’ and the myths of Brexit


a film directed by Christopher Nolan

Alone: Britain, Churchill, and Dunkirk: Defeat into Victory

by Michael Korda

Signor Tambourossini

The Siege of Corinth

an opera by Gioachino Rossini, produced by La Fura dels Baus, at the Rossini Opera Festival, Pesaro, Italy, August 10–19, 2017

Master Class

I’m afraid I don’t find that terribly interesting as an approach, she’d say.

Blowing Bubbles

Bubbles: Spheres, Volume 1: Microspherology

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Wieland Hoban

Globes: Spheres, Volume 2: Macrospherology

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Wieland Hoban

Foams: Spheres, Volume 3: Plural Spherology

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Wieland Hoban

Rage and Time: A Psychopolitical Investigation

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Mario Wenning

Philosophical Temperaments: From Plato to Foucault

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Thomas Dunlap, with a foreword by Creston Davis

Critique of Cynical Reason

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Michael Eldred, with a foreword by Andreas Huyssen

Stress and Freedom

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Wieland Hoban

You Must Change Your Life: On Anthropotechnics

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Wieland Hoban

In the Shadow of Mount Sinai: A Footnote on the Origins and Changing Forms of Total Membership

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Wieland Hoban

Not Saved: Essays After Heidegger

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Ian Alexander Moore and Christopher Turner

The Aesthetic Imperative: Writings on Art

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Karen Margolis, edited and with an afterword by Peter Weibel

Selected Exaggerations: Conversations and Interviews, 1993–2012

by Peter Sloterdijk, translated from the German by Karen Margolis

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Mr. Smith Goes to Rome

The “Mito Americano” and Italian Literary Culture Under Fascism

by Jane Dunnett, with a foreword by Massimo Bacigalupo

On the Wilder Shores of Brooklyn

Manhattan Beach

by Jennifer Egan

The Chinese World Order

Competition, friction, and testing between the United States and China are unavoidable, probably for decades.

The End of the Asian Century: War, Stagnation, and the Risks to the World’s Most Dynamic Region

by Michael R. Auslin

Post-Western World: How Emerging Powers Are Remaking Global Order

by Oliver Stuenkel

Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?

by Graham Allison

Collecting for the Glory of God

Collecting the World: Hans Sloane and the Origins of the British Museum

by James Delbourgo

Postmodern Mom

A Grace Paley Reader: Stories, Essays, and Poetry

by Grace Paley, edited by Kevin Bowen and Nora Paley, with an introduction by George Saunders

Born to Be Free

Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy

by Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght

The Art of Wrath

Two recent translations of the ‘Iliad’

The Iliad

by Homer, translated from the Greek by Peter Green

The Iliad

by Homer, translated from the Greek and with an introduction and notes by Barry B. Powell, and with a foreword by Ian Morris

A New European Narrative?

The continent is plagued by crises that cannot be solved by any one nation.

The Great Regression

edited by Heinrich Geiselberger

The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age

by James Kirchick

After Europe

by Ivan Krastev

Slippery Slope: Brexit and Europe’s Troubled Future

by Giles Merritt

Russia and the Western Far Right: Tango Noir

by Anton Shekhovtsov

In Defence of Europe: Can the European Project Be Saved?

by Loukas Tsoukalis

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