
Adam Hochschild

Adam Hochschild

Adam Hochschild’s most recent book is American Midnight: The Great War, a Violent Peace, and Democracy’s Forgotten Crisis. (January 2025)

Another Great Yesterday

Shadowlands: Fear and Freedom at the Oregon Standoff—A Western Tale of America in Crisis

by Anthony McCann

No Man’s Land

a PBS Independent Lens documentary film directed by David Byars

December 19, 2019 issue

Family Values

Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist

by Eli Saslow

September 26, 2019 issue

American Devilry

Beautiful Country Burn Again: Democracy, Rebellion, and Revolution

by Ben Fountain

Behold, America: The Entangled History of “America First” and “The American Dream”

by Sarah Churchwell

Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law

by James Q. Whitman

October 25, 2018 issue

When Dissent Became Treason

A period of unparalleled censorship, mass imprisonment, and anti-immigrant terror

America and the Great War: A Library of Congress Illustrated History

by Margaret E. Wagner, with an introduction by David M. Kennedy

The Great War

a three-part television series produced by Stephen Ives and Amanda Pollak for PBS’s American Experience

War Against War: The American Fight for Peace, 1914–1918

by Michael Kazin

Spider Web: The Birth of American Anticommunism

by Nick Fischer

September 28, 2017 issue

Our Awful Prisons: How They Can Be Changed

Today we have 710 people per 100,000 in prison in the US, compared to fifty-eight in Finland.

Mr. Smith Goes to Prison: What My Year Behind Bars Taught Me About America’s Prison Crisis

by Jeff Smith

Understanding Mass Incarceration: A People’s Guide to the Key Civil Rights Struggle of Our Time

by James Kilgore

The First Civil Right: How Liberals Built Prison America

by Naomi Murakawa

From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America

by Elizabeth Hinton

Caught: The Prison State and the Lockdown of American Politics

by Marie Gottschalk

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May 26, 2016 issue

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