Whose Nationalism?
Nationalism: A Short History
by Liah Greenfeld
Reclaiming Patriotism
by Amitai Etzioni
Why Nationalism
by Yael Tamir
March 26, 2020 issue
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Alan Ryan was Warden of New College, Oxford, and Professor of Political Thought. He is the author of On Politics, which will be published in paperback in the fall. (March 2020)
Whose Nationalism?
Nationalism: A Short History
by Liah Greenfeld
Reclaiming Patriotism
by Amitai Etzioni
Why Nationalism
by Yael Tamir
March 26, 2020 issue
An Anglo-Irish Cicero
Empire and Revolution: The Political Life of Edmund Burke
by Richard Bourke
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The Dangers of Patriotism
The Intellectual Life of Edmund Burke: From the Sublime and Beautiful to American Independence
by David Bromwich
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In the Spirit of Maya Lin
Political Emotions: Why Love Matters for Justice
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A Big British Moment
Perilous Question: Reform or Revolution? Britain on the Brink, 1832
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The Art of Being Erich Fromm
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One Virtue at a Time, Please
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