
Anne Hollander

Anne Hollander’s books include Seeing Through Clothes, Sex and Suits, and Feeding the Eye. Fabric of Vision: Dress and Drapery in Painting, a companion book for the upcoming exhibition at the National Gallery in London, will be published this spring. (February 2002)

Absolutely Fabulous

Extreme Beauty: The Body Transformed

Catalog of the exhibition by Harold Koda

February 28, 2002 issue


The Language of Clothes

by Alison Lurie, with illustrations assembled by Doris Palca

The Fashionable Mind: Reflections on Fashion, 1970-1981

by Kennedy Fraser

April 15, 1982 issue

A Tight Squeeze

Fashion and Fetishism: A Social History of the Corset, Tight-Lacing, and Other Forms of Body-Sculpture in the West

by David Kunzle

March 4, 1982 issue

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