
Avishai Margalit

Avishai Margalit is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His most recent book is On Betrayal.
 (May 2019)

Monday Morning Philosophers

Monday Morning Philosophers

Knowing the Score: What Sports Can Teach Us About Philosophy (And What Philosophy Can Teach Us About Sports)

by David Papineau

What We Think About When We Think About Soccer

by Simon Critchley

March 22, 2018 issue

Israel: The Writers’ Writer

Midnight Convoy and Other Stories

by S. Yizhar, translated from the Hebrew by Misha Louvish and others, with an introduction by Dan Miron


by S. Yizhar, translated from the Hebrew by Nicholas de Lange, with an introduction by Dan Miron

Khirbet Khizeh

by S. Yizhar, translated from the Hebrew by Nicholas de Lange and Yaacob Dweck, with an afterword by David Shulman

September 24, 2009 issue

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