
Daniel J. Kevles

Daniel J. Kevles is a Professor of History Emeritus at Yale and a visiting scholar at NYU Law School. His books include The Physicists, In the Name of Eugenics, The Baltimore Case, and, most recently, Heirloom Fruits of America: Selections from the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection. He is writing a history of intellectual property protection in living organisms. (October 2023)

The Strange Case of Robert Oppenheimer

The Strange Case of Robert Oppenheimer

Brotherhood of the Bomb: The Tangled Lives and Loyalties of Robert Oppenheimer, Ernest Lawrence, and Edward Teller

by Gregg Herken

Pandora's Keepers: Nine Men and the Atomic Bomb

by Brian VanDeMark

December 4, 2003 issue

His Master’s Voice

The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900–1933

by Emily Thompson

April 10, 2003 issue

Cancer: What Do They Know?

Cancer: What Do They Know?

The Nazi War on Cancer

by Robert N. Proctor

One Renegade Cell: How Cancer Begins

by by Robert A. Weinberg

September 23, 1999 issue

Darwin in Dayton

Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate over Science and Religion

by Edward J. Larson

November 19, 1998 issue

Endangered Environmentalists

The Last Harvest: The Genetic Gamble That Threatens to Destroy American Agriculture

by Paul Raeburn

Our Children's Toxic Legacy: How Science and Law Fail to Protect Us from Pesticides

by Wargo John

Noah's Choice: The Future of Endangered Species

by Charles C. Mann and Mark L. Plummer

Losing Ground: American Environmentalism at the Close of the Twentieth Century

by Mark Dowie

February 20, 1997 issue

Greens in America

Greens in America

The House of Life: Rachel Carson at Work, with Selections from Her Writings

by Paul Brooks

Silent Spring

by Rachel Carson

Forcing the Spring: The Transformation of the American Environmental Movement

by Robert Gottlieb

The Green Crusade: Rethinking the Roots of Environmentalism

by Charles T. Rubin

The Green Revolution: The American Environmental Movement, 1962-1992

by Kirkpatrick Sale

A Fierce Green Fire: The American Environmental Movement

by Philip Shabecoff

Coyotes and Town Dogs: Earth First! and the Environmental Movement

by Susan Zakin

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October 6, 1994 issue

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