Akin to Conrad in Colombia
Lovers on All Saints’ Day
by Juan Gabriel Vásquez, translated from the Spanish by Anne McLean
by Juan Gabriel Vásquez, translated from the Spanish by Anne McLean
October 27, 2016 issue
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David Gallagher is the author of several works on Latin American literature. He lives in Santiago. (October 2016)
Akin to Conrad in Colombia
Lovers on All Saints’ Day
by Juan Gabriel Vásquez, translated from the Spanish by Anne McLean
by Juan Gabriel Vásquez, translated from the Spanish by Anne McLean
October 27, 2016 issue
The Subtle Minds of Santa Fe
La Grande
by Juan José Saer, translated from the Spanish and with an afterword by Steve Dolph
November 20, 2014 issue
Stories from Pinochet’s Prisons
La Vida Doble
by Arturo Fontaine, translated from the Spanish by Megan McDowell
Ways of Going Home
by Alejandro Zambra, translated from the Spanish by Megan McDowell
March 6, 2014 issue
The Literary Life in Cuba
Tres tristes tigres
by Guillermo Cabrera Infante
by José Lezama Lima
Explosion in the Cathedral
by Alejo Carpentier
Writers in the New Cuba
edited by J.M. Cohen
Inconsolable Memories
by Edmundo Desnoes, translated by David Gallagher, with Foreward by Jack Gelber
A Candle in the Wind
by Juan Arcocha
The Twelve
by Carlos Franqui, translated by Albert Teichner
May 23, 1968 issue
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