
Edmund R. Leach

Edmund R. Leach (1910–1989) was a British anthropologist. He is widely credited with introducing Anglophone readers to the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss. Leach served as provost of King’s College, Cambridge from 1966 until 1979; he was made a Fellow of the British Academy in 1972 and knighted in 1975. A two-volume selection of his writings, The Essential Edmund Leach, was published by Yale University Press in 2001.

The Politics of Karma

Buddhism and Society

by Melford E. Spiro

Religion and Change in Contemporary Asia

edited by Robert F. Spencer

Islam Observed

by Clifford Geertz

November 18, 1971 issue

Mythical Inequalities

The Death and Rebirth of the Seneca

by Anthony F.C. Wallace

Natural Symbols: Explorations in Cosmology

by Mary Douglas

Myth: Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures

by G.S. Kirk

January 28, 1971 issue

High School

The Teachings of Don Juan: a Yaqui Way of Knowledge

by Carlos Castaneda

June 5, 1969 issue

Ignoble Savages

Human Aggression

by Anthony Storr

Sanity and Survival: Psychological Aspects of War and Peace

by Jerome K. Frank

Non-Violence and Aggression: A Study of Gandhi's Moral Equivalent of War

by H.J.N. Horsburgh

Violence in the Streets

edited by Shalom Endleman

War: The Anthropology of Armed Conflict and Aggression

edited by Morton Fried, edited by Marvin Harris, edited by Robert Murphy

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October 10, 1968 issue



The Savage Mind

by Claude Lévi-Strauss

Mythologiques: du miel aux cendres

by Claude Lévi-Strauss

October 12, 1967 issue

Culture Cults

The Paths of Culture: A General Ethnology

by Kaj Birket-Smith

Stranger and Friend: The Way of an Anthropologist

by Hortense Powdermaker

March 9, 1967 issue

Don’t Say “Boo” to a Goose

On Aggression

by Konrad Lorenz

The Territorial Imperative: A Personal Inquiry into the Animal Origin of Property and Nations

by Robert Ardrey

December 15, 1966 issue

Sermons By a Man on a Ladder

Mephistopheles and the Androgyne

by Mircea Eliade

The Two and the One

by Mircea Eliade

The Myth of the Eternal Return

by Mircea Eliade

Cosmos and History

by Mircea Eliade

Patterns in Comparative Religion

by Mircea Eliade

Yoga: Immortality and Freedom

by Mircea Eliade

Birth and Rebirth

by Mircea Eliade

Rites and Symbols of Initiation

by Mircea Eliade

The Sacred and the Profane

by Mircea Eliade

Myths, Dreams and Mysteries

by Mircea Eliade

Images and Symbols

by Mircea Eliade

The Forge and the Crucible

by Mircea Eliade

Shamanism: Archiac Techniques of Ecstasy

by Mircea Eliade

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October 20, 1966 issue

Ladies on the War Path

The Lost Universe

by Gene Weltfish

The Warrior Herdsmen

by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas

July 1, 1965 issue

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