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Enrique Krauze is the author of Mexico: Biography of Power and Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Letras Libres, published in Mexico City and Madrid. Daniel Hahn is the writer, editor, or translator of seventy books. His most recent translation, of Juan Pablo Villalobos’s I Don’t Expect Anyone to Believe Me, was published in May. (July 2020)
Mexico in the Full Light of Day
Sybille Bedford’s ‘A Visit to Don Otavio’
A Visit to Don Otavio: A Mexican Journey
by Sybille Bedford, with an introduction by Bruce Chatwin
June 8, 2017 issue
Cuba: The New Opening
Visions of Power in Cuba: Revolution, Redemption, and Resistance, 1959–1971
by Lillian Guerra
Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations Between Washington and Havana
by William M. LeoGrande and Peter Kornbluh
April 2, 2015 issue
The New Cuba?
Mark Frank’s ‘Cuban Revelations: Behind the Scenes in Havana’
Cuban Revelations: Behind the Scenes in Havana
by Marc Frank
March 19, 2015 issue
Mexico at War
El Narco: Inside Mexico’s Criminal Insurgency
by Ioan Grillo
Los señores del narco [The Lords of the Drug Trade]
by Anabel Hernández
September 27, 2012 issue
Chiapas: The Indians’ Prophet
Rebellion in Chiapas: An Historical Reader
by John Womack Jr.
Marcos: La genial impostura
by Bertrand De la Grange and Maité Rico
Religión, política y guerrilla en Las Cañadas de la Selva Lacandona
by Maria del Carmen Legorreta Díaz
December 16, 1999 issue
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