
Fara Dabhoiwala

Fara Dabhoiwala

Fara Dabhoiwala is completing a global history of free speech and researching a biography of the eighteenth-century Black Jamaican polymath Francis Williams. He teaches at Princeton. (June 2023)


Imperial Delusions

Imperial Delusions

From the late eighteenth century onward, the British justified their empire with a continually updated ideology of moral purpose and historical necessity.

Time’s Monster: How History Makes History

by Priya Satia

Neither Settler nor Native: The Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities

by Mahmood Mamdani

Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination

by Adom Getachew

July 1, 2021 issue

Bed, Bench & Beyond

Bed, Bench & Beyond

A Day at Home in Early Modern England: Material Culture and Domestic Life, 1500–1700

by Tara Hamling and Catherine Richardson

March 26, 2020 issue

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