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George Lichtheim (1912–1973) was a scholar of Marx and Marxism. Lichtheim was a regular contributor to The Review and a contributing editor of Commentary. His books include From Marx to Hegeland Europe in the Twentieth Century.
Technocrats vs. Humanists
Les désillusions du progrès
by Raymond Aron
D'une Sainte Famille à l'autre
by Raymond Aron
Liberté et organisation dans le monde actuel
Centre d'Études de la Civilisation contemporaine
Socialisme ou social-médiocrité?
by Jacques Mandrin (pseudonym)
Ma part de vérité
by François Mitterand
Une stratégie pour la gauche
by Jean Poperen
Le PSU et l'avenir socialiste de la France the PSU adopted in March 1969
Interviews with Michel Rocard, critical introduction, and theses of the PSUadopted in March 1969.
October 9, 1969 issue
A New Twist in the Dialectic
Pour Marx
by Louis Althusser
Lire Le Capital Tome I
by Louis Althusser and Jacques Rancière and Pierre Macherey
Lire Le Capital Tome II
by Louis Althusser and Etienne Balibar and Roger Establet
Pouvoir Politique et Classes Sociales de l'Etat Capitaliste
by Nicos Poulantzas
Stratégie et Révolution en France en 1968
by André Glucksmann
Peut-on être communiste aujourd'hui?
by Roger Garaudy
January 30, 1969 issue
The Nouveau Frontier
The American Challenge
by J.J. Servan-Schreiber, translated by Ronald Steel
June 20, 1968 issue
Reason and Revolution
Theory and Practice: History of a Concept from Aristotle to Marx
by Nicholas Lobkowicz
The Evolution of Dialectical Materialism
by Z.A. Jordan
The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx
by Shlomo Avineri
April 11, 1968 issue
Catching Up With History
The Obstructed Path. French Social Thought in the Years of Desperation 1930-1960
by H. Stuart Hughes
January 4, 1968 issue
Happy Birthday
The Impact of the Russian Revolution 1917-1967: The Influence of Bolshevism on the World outside Russia Affairs
issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International
The Unfinished Revolution: Russia 1917-1967
by Isaac Deutscher
Martov: A Political Biography of a Russian Social Democrat
by Israel Getzler
Memoirs of a Revolutionary
by Eva Broido, translated and edited by Vera Broido
History of the International 1864-1914
by Julius Braunthal, translated by Henry Collins, translated by Kenneth Mitchell
November 9, 1967 issue
East of Eden
by Hugh Thomas
No End of a Lesson: The Story of Suez
by Anthony Nutting
August 24, 1967 issue
Not so Lost Causes
The Catholic Avant-Garde: French Catholicism Since World War II
edited by Jean-Marie Domenach, edited by Robert de Montvalon
The French Communist Party and the Crisis of International Communism
by François Fejtö
Strategy For Labor: A Radical Proposal
by André Gorz
July 13, 1967 issue
Home Away From Home
French Communism in the Making, 1914-1924
by Robert Wohl
Contemporary French Political Thought
by Roy Pierce
April 6, 1967 issue
What Is History?
Shapes of Philosophical History
by Frank E. Manuel
The Prophets of Paris
by Frank E. Manuel
Utopias and Utopian Thought
edited by Frank E. Manuel
The Riddle of History: The Great Speculators From Vico to Freud
by Bruce Mazlish
The Unique and the Universal
by J.L. Talmon
December 15, 1966 issue
Absolute Beginners
The Politics of Modernization
by David E. Apter
The Stages of Political Development
by A.F.K. Organski
The Third World
by Peter Worsley
The Economics of Developing Countries
by Hla Myint
May 12, 1966 issue
The Way of the World
Modern Capitalism: The Changing Balance of Public and Private Power
by Andrew Shonfield
March 31, 1966 issue
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