
Jean Stafford

Jean Stafford (1915–1979) was a novelist and short story writer. Her Collected Stories won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1970.

Touch and Go

Groups, Gimmicks, and Instant Gurus

by William R. Coulson

The Pit

by Gene Church and Conrad D. Carnes

April 5, 1973 issue

Living It Out

Living It Out


by Simone Berteaut

Coco Chanel: Her Life, Her Secrets

by Marcel Haedrich, translated by Charles Lam Markmann

Paris Was Yesterday

by Janet Flanner

August 10, 1972 issue

Sensuous Women

Sensuous Women

Kate Chopin, A Critical Biography

by Per Seyersted

The Complete Works of Kate Chopin

edited by Per Seyersted, Foreword by Edmund Wilson

September 23, 1971 issue



A White House Diary

by Lady Bird Johnson

A Woman of Quality: Eleanor Roosevelt

by Stella K. Hershan

December 3, 1970 issue

Gooney Bird

Gooney Bird

The Wartime Journals of Charles A. Lindbergh

with an Introduction by William Jovanovich

October 8, 1970 issue



Only One Year

by Svetlana Alliluyeva, translated by Paul Chavchvadze

October 23, 1969 issue



Being Geniuses Together

by Kay Boyle and Robert McAlmon

Those Remarkable Cunards, Emerald and Nancy

by Daphne Fielding

Nancy Cunard: Brave Poet, Indomitable Rebel

edited by Hugh Ford

April 24, 1969 issue

Wolfe Hunting

Wolfe Hunting

Thomas Wolfe, A Biography

by Andrew Turnbull

The Letters of Thomas Wolfe to His Mother

edited by C. Hugh Holman, edited by Sue Fields Ross

May 9, 1968 issue

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