
Julian Barnes

Julian Barnes’s books include The Only Story and The Man in the Red Coat. His latest novel, Elizabeth Finch, will be published in the US in August. (May 2022)


My Father's Tears and Other Stories

by John Updike

Endpoint and Other Poems

by John Updike

The Maples Stories

by John Updike

June 11, 2009 issue

Such, Such Was Eric Blair

Facing Unpleasant Facts: Narrative Essays

by George Orwell, compiled and with an introduction by George Packer

All Art Is Propaganda: Critical Essays

by George Orwell, compiled by George Packer, with an introduction by Keith Gessen

Why I Write

by George Orwell

March 12, 2009 issue

The Odd Couple

That Sweet Enemy: The French and the British from the Sun King to the Present

by Robert and Isabelle Tombs

March 29, 2007 issue

Flaubert, C’est Moi

Flaubert, C’est Moi

Flaubert: A Biography

by Frederick Brown

Bouvard and Pécuchet

by Gustave Flaubert, translated from the French by Mark Polizzotti, with a preface by Raymond Queneau

May 25, 2006 issue

Always True to France

Always True to France

Paris and Elsewhere

by Richard Cobb, edited and introduced by David Gilmour and (Distributed in the US by Trafalgar Square)

The French and Their Revolution

by Richard Cobb, edited and introduced by David Gilmour

August 12, 1999 issue

Unlikely Friendship

Flaubert-Sand: The Correspondence

translated by Francis Steegmuller, translated by Barbara Bray

June 10, 1993 issue

The Mystery of a Masterpiece

Manet: The Execution of Maximilian, Paintings, Politics and Censorship

by Juliet Wilson-Bareau, with essays by John House and Douglas Johnson

April 22, 1993 issue

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