
Leo Rubinfien

Leo Rubinfien

Leo Rubinfien is an American photographer. His books include A Map of the East, Wounded Cities, Shomei Tomatsu/Skin of the Nation, and Garry Winogrand.
 (February 2021)

‘My Eyes Are Infamously Greedy’

‘My Eyes Are Infamously Greedy’

Japan's energetic culture of the photobook, from 1912 to today.

The Japanese Photobook, 1912–1990

by Manfred Heiting and Ryuichi Kaneko, with essays by Duncan Forbes, Satomi Fujimura, and others

Chizu (Map)

by Kikuji Kawada


by Issei Suda

Karasu (Ravens)

by Masahisa Fukase

Utatane (Daydream)

by Rinko Kawauchi


by Rinko Kawauchi

Half Awake and Half Asleep in the Water

by Asako Narahashi

Kuroyami (Black Darkness)

by Sakiko Nomura

The Restoration Will

by Mayumi Suzuki


by Yukari Chikura

See all reviewed works
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February 11, 2021 issue

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