
Lorrie Moore

Lorrie Moore is the Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of ­English at Vanderbilt and the author of four story collections and three novels. Her most recent book is a collection of essays, See What Can Be Done. (December 2021)

A Very Singular Girl

A Very Singular Girl

The advice of Helen Gurley Brown

Not Pretty Enough: The Unlikely Triumph of Helen Gurley Brown

by Gerri Hirshey

Enter Helen: The Invention of Helen Gurley Brown and the Rise of the Modern Single Woman

by Brooke Hauser

Sex and the Single Girl

by Helen Gurley Brown

The Single Girl Goes to Town: A Knowing Guide to Men, Maneuvers, Jobs and Just Living for Big City Women

by Jean Baer

July 14, 2016 issue

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