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Louis Begley’s books include Why the Dreyfus Affair Matters and the novel Wartime Lies. His eleventh novel, Killer Come Hither, will be published in 2015.
The Good Place in Vicious France
Village of Secrets: Defying the Nazis in Vichy France
by Caroline Moorhead
December 18, 2014 issue
How Wily Mitterrand Transformed France
A Taste for Intrigue: The Multiple Lives of François Mitterrand
by Philip Short
June 5, 2014 issue
The Day of the Hunter
The life and legends of Simon Wiesenthal
Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends
by Tom Segev, translated from the Hebrew by Ronnie Hope
December 8, 2011 issue
Lonely in Germany
Flights of Love
by Bernhard Schlink,translated from the Germanby John E. Woods
January 17, 2002 issue
A Matter of Survival
October, Eight O'Clock
by Norman Manea, translated by Cornelia Golna and Anselm Hollo and Mara Soceanu Vamos and Max Bleyleben and Marguerite Dorian and Elliott B. Urdang
September 24, 1992 issue
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