
Malcolm Muggeridge

So Big

So Big

End of the Affair: The Collapse of the Anglo-French Alliance, 1939-1940

by Eleanor M. Gates

Churchill and De Gaulle

by François Kersaudy

October 7, 1982 issue

A Survivor

A Survivor


by David Cecil

Max Beerbohm's Letters to Reggie Turner

edited by Rupert Hart-Davis


by Stanley Weintraub

November 25, 1965 issue

The Apotheosis of John F. Kennedy

The Apotheosis of John F. Kennedy

Young John Kennedy

by Gene Schoor

The Kennedy Wit

edited by Bill Adler

Of Poetry and Power

edited by Erwin A. Gilkes, edited by Paul Schwaber

The Kennedy Years

by the editors of the New York Times and Viking Press

Kennedy Without Tears: The Man Beneath the Wit

by Tom Wicker

The Founding Father: The Story of Joseph P. Kennedy

by Richard J. Whalen

A Day in the Life of President Kennedy

by Jim Bishop

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January 28, 1965 issue

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