
Marius Bewley

Marius Bewley (1916–1973) was a British-American literary critic. Educated at Cambridge, Bewley taught English literature at Rutgers and was an advisory editor atThe Hudson Review.

Good Manners

Good Manners

The Collected Poems of Louis MacNeice

edited by E.R. Dodds

High and Low

by John Betjeman

Collected Poems 1930-1965

by A.D. Hope

May 18, 1967 issue

Split in Twain

Split in Twain

Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain: A Biography

by Justin Kaplan

September 8, 1966 issue


The Old Adam

by D.J. Enright

Thousand-Year-Old Fiancee & Other Poems

by Robert Sward

Selected Poems

by Louis Simpson

Collected Poems of Rolfe Humphries

by Rolfe Humphries

Selected Poems

by Richard Eberhart

Love Poems (Tentative Title)

by Frank O'Hara

The Wooden Horse

by Daryl Hine

Knock Upon Silence

by Carolyn Kizer

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March 31, 1966 issue

Lone Rangers

Wah-to-yah and the Taos Trail

by Lewis H. Garrard, Introduction by A.B. Guthrie Jr.

The Western Hero in History and Legend

by Kent Ladd Steckmesser

October 28, 1965 issue

Great Scott

Great Scott

The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1909-1917

edited with an Introduction by John Kuehl

The Art of F. Scott Fitzgerald

by Sergio Perosa, translated by Charles Matz. the author

F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Critical Portrait

by Henry Dan Piper

September 16, 1965 issue

America’s Heroic Moment

Meriwether Lewis: A Biography

by George Dillon

The Journals of Lewis and Clark

edited by Bernard DeVoto

Letters of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, with Related Documents 1783-1854

edited by Donald Jackson

April 8, 1965 issue

Oz Country

The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral

by Leo Marx

The Wizard of Oz and Who He Was

edited with two introductory essays by Martin Gardner and Russell B. Nye

December 3, 1964 issue

Mrs. Wharton’s Mask

A Blackward Glance: The Autobiography of Edith Wharton

Introduction by Louis Auchincloss


by Edith Wharton

Old New York

by Edith Wharton

September 24, 1964 issue

French Travelers in Early America

Journey into Northern Pennsylvania and the State of New York

by Michel-Guillaume St. Jean de Crèvecoeur

Travels in North America in the Years 1780, 1781 and 1782 Notes by History and Culture

by Marquis de Chastellux, A Revised Translation with Introduction and Howard C. Rice Jr.

July 9, 1964 issue

Adams at Home

The Adams Family Correspondence

edited by L.H. Butterfield

December 12, 1963 issue

Closing Time

The Familiar Faces

by David Garnett

February 1, 1963 issue

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