
Martin Bernal

Martin Bernal is Professor Emeritus of Government at Cornell. His controversial study of Ancient Greece, Black Athena, explores the origins of Hellenic culture and, in particular, the influence of Egypt and Phoenicia on the development of Ancient Greece.

Traveling Light

The Chinese Difference

by Joseph Kraft

Notes from China

by Barbara Tuchman

A China Passage

by John Kenneth Galbraith

To Peking and Beyond: A Report on the New Asia

by Harrison Salisbury

August 9, 1973 issue

Who’s Who in China

In Search of Wealth and Power: Yen Fu and the West

by Benjamin Schwartz

Hu Shih and the Chinese Renaissance

by Jerome Greider

Ting Wen-chiang: Science and China's New Culture

by Charlotte Furth

Kuo Mo-jo: The Early Years

by David Roy

Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period

by Arthur Hummel

Biographical Dictionary of Republican China, Volume 1: Ai-Ch'u

edited by Howard Boorman, edited by Richard Howard

Biographical Dictionary of Republican China, Volume 2: Dalai-Ma

edited by Howard Boorman, edited by Richard Howard

Biographical Dictionary of Republican China, Volume 3: Mao-Wu

edited by Howard Boorman, edited by Richard Howard

Biographical Dictionary of Republican China, Volume 4: Yang-Bibliography

edited by Howard Boorman, edited by Richard Howard

Ku Chieh-kang and China's New History: Nationalism and the Quest for Alternative Traditions

by Laurence A. Schneider

Biographic Dictionary of Chinese Communism, 1921-1965

by Donald Klein and Anne B. Clark

Who's Who in Communist China

compiled by Union Research Institute (Hong Kong)

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March 23, 1972 issue

Mao and the Writers

Literary Dissent in Communist China

by Merle Goldman

The Gate of Darkness: Studies on the Leftist Literary Movement in China

by Tsi-an Hsia

Literary Doctrine in China and Soviet Influence 1956-1960

by D.N. Fokkema

Pa Chin and His Writings: Chinese Youth Between the Two Revolutions

by Olga Lang

The Hundred Flowers

by Roderick MacFarquhar

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October 23, 1969 issue

A Mao for All Seasons

A Mao for All Seasons

Revolutionary Immortality: Mao Tse-tung and the Chinese Cultural Revolution

by Robert Jay Lifton

The Red Book and The Great Wall

by Alberto Moravia

Communism and China: Ideology in Flux

by Benjamin Schwartz

Red Star Over China (revised edition)

by Edgar Snow

Selected Readings from the Works of Mao Tse-tung

Printed by Foreign Languages Press, Peking

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January 16, 1969 issue


The Spirit of Chinese Politics

by Lucian Pye

November 7, 1968 issue

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