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Martin Malia is Professor of History Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author, most recently, of Russia Under Western Eyes, from the Bronze Horseman to the Lenin Mausoleum. (November 2001)
Lenin and the ‘Radiant Future’
Lenin: A Biography
by Robert Service
Lenin's Embalmers
by Ilya Zbarsky and Samuel Hutchinson, translated from the French by Barbara Bray
November 1, 2001 issue
Poland’s Eternal Return
God's Playground: A History of Poland; Vol. I, The Origins to 1795; Vol. II, 1795 to the Present
by Norman Davies
A Republic of Nobles: Studies in Polish History to 1864
edited and translated by J.K. Fedorowicz
The American and European Revolutions, 1776-1848: Sociopolitical and Ideological Aspects
edited by Jaroslaw Pelenski
Philosophy and Romantic Nationalism: The Case of Poland
by Andrzej Walicki
Politics in Independent Poland, 1921-1939: The Crisis of Constitutional Government
by Anthony Polonsky
Zionism in Poland: The Formative Years, 1915-1926
by Ezra Mendelsohn
Courier From Warsaw
by Jan Nowak, foreward by Zbigniew Brzezinski
The Mind of John Paul II: Origins of His Thought and Action
by George H. Williams
Count-Down: The Polish Upheavals of 1956, 1968, 1970, 1976, 1980...
by Jakub Karpinski, translated by Olga Amsterdamska and Gene M. Moore
Poland: Genesis of a Revolution
edited by Abraham Brumberg
Solidarity, The Analysis of a Social Movement: Poland 1980-1981
by Alain Touraine and Jan Strzelecki et al., translated by David Denby
"Poland Under Jaruzelski"
edited by Leopold Labedz
September 29, 1983 issue
Mandelstam’s Power
Hope against Hope: A Memoir
by Nadezhda Mandelstam, translated by Max Hayward, Introduction by Clarence Brown
January 27, 1972 issue
Backward History in a Backward Country
The Rise of the Romanovs
by Vasili Kliuchevsky, translated by Liliana Archibald
Russia in World History, Selected Essays
by M.N. Pokrovsky, translated by Roman Szporluk, translated by Mary Ann Szporluk
Russia in the Era of Peter the Great
by L. Jay Oliva
The Tsars: From Ivan the Terrible to Nicholas II, 1533-1917
by Ronald Hingley
The Tragic Dynasty: A History of the Romanovs
by John Bergamini
The Romanovs: Three Centuries of an Ill-Fated Dynasty
by E.M. Almedingen
Years of the Golden Cockerel: The Last Romanov Tsars, 1814-1917
by Sidney Harcave
The Cossacks
by Philip Longworth
Nicholas and Alexandra
by Robert K. Massie
October 7, 1971 issue
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