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Roger Sale is a critic and journalist. Until 1999, he was Professor of English at the University of Washington. His books include Modern Heroism: Essays on D. H. Lawrence, William Empson and J.R.R. Tolkien and On Not Being Good Enough: Writings of a Working Critic.
Our Town
Nuclear Culture: Living and Working in the World's Largest Atomic Complex
by Paul Loeb
April 29, 1982 issue
Stranger than Nonfiction
Freddy's Book
by John Gardner
The Girl in a Swing
by Richard Adams
May 29, 1980 issue
Stubborn Steinbeck
The Intricate Music: A Biography of John Steinbeck
by Thomas Kiernan
The Wayward Bus
by John Steinbeck
East of Eden
by John Steinbeck
March 20, 1980 issue
Love and War
The Short-Timers
by Gustav Hasford
by A. Alvarez
Dubin's Lives
by Bernard Malamud
February 22, 1979 issue
Picking Up the Pieces
Refiner's Fire: The Life and Adventures of Marshall Pearl, a Foundling
by Mark Helprin
In Such Dark Places
by Joseph Caldwell
I Heard My Sister Speak My Name
by Thomas Savage
Natural Shocks
by Richard Stern
February 23, 1978 issue
Earthly Possessions
by Anne Tyler
Who Is Teddy Villanova?
by Thomas Berger
by Leslie Marmon Silko
May 26, 1977 issue
A Family Matter
The Lardners: My Family Remembered
by Ring Lardner Jr.
Some Champions
by Ring Lardner, edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli and Richard Layman
The Story of a Wonder Man
by Ring Lardner
September 16, 1976 issue
Life on the Run
by Bill Bradley
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories
by Norman Maclean
May 27, 1976 issue
Murder, she says.
by Agatha Christie
The Dangerous Edge
by Gavin Lambert
April 29, 1976 issue
Fathers & Fathers & Sons
Northern Lights
by Tim O'Brien
Look How the Fish Live
by J.F. Powers
Beyond the Bedroom Wall
by Larry Woiwode
November 13, 1975 issue
Typing It Up
A Fan's Notes
by Frederick Exley
Pages from a Cold Island
by Frederick Exley
June 26, 1975 issue
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