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Ruth Bernard Yeazell is Sterling Professor of English at Yale. Her books include Picture Titles: How and Why Western Paintings Acquired Their Names and Art of the Everyday: Dutch Painting and the Realist Novel. She is writing a book about the modern reception of Vermeer. (November 2024)
Life Made Light
The twenty-eight Vermeer paintings assembled at the Rijksmuseum this year were a testament to how he is understood today: as an artist of the interior, a master of subjects at once alluring and enigmatic.
an exhibition at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, February 10–June 4, 2023
Johannes Vermeer: Faith, Light and Reflection
by Gregor J.M. Weber
Vermeer and the Art of Love
by Aneta Georgievska-Shine
July 20, 2023 issue
Laughs and Smiles
Frans Hals’s animated paintings allow viewers to feel the presence of an artist whose life is largely unknown.
The Portraitist: Frans Hals and His World
by Steven Nadler
March 23, 2023 issue
Painting Herself
From the beginning, female self-portraitists have chosen to show themselves at work, as if to demonstrate that they could handle a brush as well as male artists.
The Mirror and the Palette: Rebellion, Revolution, and Resilience: Five Hundred Years of Women’s Self Portraits
by Jennifer Higgie
The Self-Portrait
by Natalie Rudd
May 12, 2022 issue
Dickens’s Multitudes
Two new books examine the novelist who produced some of the greatest multivoiced fiction in all of English literature.
The Artful Dickens: Tricks and Ploys of the Great Novelist
by John Mullan
The Mystery of Charles Dickens
by A.N. Wilson
October 7, 2021 issue
A Vermeer for the IRA
Rose Dugdale, famous for a 1974 art heist, would probably rather be remembered as a heroine of Irish republicanism.
The Woman Who Stole Vermeer: The True Story of Rose Dugdale and the Russborough House Art Heist
by Anthony M. Amore
March 11, 2021 issue
Stardom Is Born
The Drama of Celebrity
by Sharon Marcus
Celebrity: A History of Fame
by Susan J. Douglas and Andrea McDonnell
Playing to the Gods: Sarah Bernhardt, Eleonora Duse, and the Rivalry That Changed Acting Forever
by Peter Rader
September 26, 2019 issue
Unnatural Naturalism
Victorian Radicals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts and Crafts Movement
an exhibition at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, October 11, 2018–January 6, 2019; the Vero Beach Museum of Art, February 9–May 5, 2019; the Seattle Art Museum, June 13–September 8, 2019; the San Antonio Museum of Art, October 11, 2019–January 5, 2020; the Yale Center for British Art, February 13–May 10, 2020; the Nevada Museum of Art, June 20–September 13, 2020; and the Frick Pittsburgh, October 29, 2020–January 24, 2021
Christina Rossetti: Poetry in Art
edited by Susan Owens and Nicholas Tromans
March 21, 2019 issue
Loving Lips
Victorians Undone: Tales of the Flesh in the Age of Decorum
by Kathryn Hughes
September 27, 2018 issue
Which Jane Austen?
Tinkering with Austen’s image has a long history.
Jane Austen at Home: A Biography
by Lucy Worsley
Teenage Writings
by Jane Austen, edited and with an introduction and notes by Kathryn Sutherland and Freya Johnston
The Making of Jane Austen
by Devoney Looser
Jane Austen, the Secret Radical
by Helena Kelly
September 28, 2017 issue
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