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Sarah Boxer is a contributing writer for The Atlantic and the author of two cartoon novels, In the Floyd Archives: A Psycho-Bestiary and its sequel, Mother May I?: A Post-Floydian Folly. (September 2020)
Growing Up Arab
The Arab of the Future: A Childhood in the Middle East, 1978–1984
by Riad Sattouf, translated from the French by Sam Taylor
The Arab of the Future 2: A Childhood in the Middle East, 1984–1985
by Riad Sattouf, translated from the French by Sam Taylor
October 27, 2016 issue
We've Got Blog: How Weblogs Are Changing Our Culture
compiled and edited by John Rodzvilla, with an introduction by Rebecca Blood
Against the Machine: Being Human in the Age of the Electronic Mob
by Lee Siegel 2.0
by Cass R. Sunstein
by David D. Perlmutter
The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet
by Daniel J. Solove
We're All Journalists Now: The Transformation of the Press and Reshaping of the Lawin the Internet Age
by Scott Gant
Blog: Understanding the Information Reformation That's Changing Your World
by Hugh Hewitt
The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet Is Killing Our Culture
by Andrew Keen
Naked Conversations: How Blogs Are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers
by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, foreword by Tom Peters
Blog! How the Newest Media Revolution Is Changing Politics, Business, and Culture
by David Kline and Dan Burstein
February 14, 2008 issue
His Inner Cat
Nearly a century after George Herriman started Krazy Kat, the endlessly perplexing, energetic, deep, and playful comic strip still feels new.
Krazy & Ignatz: The Complete Full-Page Comic Strips
by George Herriman, edited and annotated by Bill Blackbeard, designed by Chris Ware
Masters of American Comics
exhibition catalog edited by John Carlin, Paul Karasik, and Brian Walker
Arguing Comics: Literary Masters on a Popular Medium
edited by Jeet Heer and Kent Worcester
Krazy Kat: The Comic Art of George Herriman
by Patrick McDonnell, Karen O'Connell, and Georgia Riley De Havenon
June 14, 2007 issue
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