Freud and His Followers
by Paul Roazen
Freud: A Collection of Critical Essays
edited by Richard Wollheim
Tribute to Freud
by HD
Social Amnesia: A Critique of Conformist Psychology from Adler to Laing
by Russell Jacoby
Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health (hardcover) and $4.00 (paper))
by Ivan Illich
The Bloomsbury Group: A Collection of Memoirs, Commentary, and Criticism
edited by S.P. Rosenbaum
The Loving Friends: A Portrait of Bloomsbury
by David Gadd
Personal Record, 1920-1972
by Gerald Brenan
A Homemade World: The American Modernist Writers
by Hugh Kenner
In Radical Pursuit: Critical Essays and Lectures
by W.D. Snodgrass
A Map of Misreading
by Harold Bloom
In the Dark Body of Metamorphosis and Other Poems
by Mario Luzi, translated by I.L. Salomon
Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism
by Perry Anderson
Lineages of the Absolutist State
by Perry Anderson
The Modern World-System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century
by Immanuel Wallerstein
The Silver Dove
by Andrey Biely, translated and with an introduction by George Reavey
Phenomenology and Art
by José Ortega y Gasset, translated by Philip W. Silver
Russia Under the Old Regime
by Richard Pipes
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