Learning from a Modern Master
‘The Fourth Dimension of a Poem and Other Essays’ by M.H. Abrams
The Fourth Dimension of a Poem and Other Essays
by M.H. Abrams, with a foreword by Harold Bloom
June 20, 2013 issue
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William H. Gass (1924–2017) was an essayist, novelist, and literary critic. He grew up in Ohio and taught philosophy at Washington University. Among his books are six works of fiction and nine books of essays, including Tests of Time (2002), A Temple of Texts (2006), and Life Sentences (2012).
Learning from a Modern Master
‘The Fourth Dimension of a Poem and Other Essays’ by M.H. Abrams
The Fourth Dimension of a Poem and Other Essays
by M.H. Abrams, with a foreword by Harold Bloom
June 20, 2013 issue
The Hovering Life
The Man Without Qualities
by Robert Musil, translated by Sophie Wilkins and Burton Pike
January 11, 1996 issue
Being and Dying
The Encyclopedia of the Dead
by Danilo Ki, translated by Michael Henry Heim
October 26, 1989 issue
Jasper Johns: Work Since 1974 Pennsylvania, (October 23, 1988–January 8, 1989)
an exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia,
Jasper Johns: Work Since 1974
catalog of the exhibition by Mark Rosenthal
Foirades/Fizzles: Echo and Allusion in the Art of Jasper Johns University of California, Los Angeles, distributed by the University of Chicago Press
by Jasper Johns and Samuel Beckett and Edith A. Tonelli and John Cage and Richard S. Field and Andrew Bush and Richard Shiff and Fred Orton and James Cuno
February 2, 1989 issue
The Polemical Philosopher
Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits
by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by R.J. Hollingdale, introduction by Erich Heller
Conversations with Nietzsche: A Life in the Words of His Contemporaries
edited by Sander L. Gilman
Postponements: Women, Sensuality, and Death in Nietzsche
by David Farrell Krell
Nietzsche, "the Last Antipolitical German"
by Peter Bergmann
Nietzsche: Life as Literature
by Alexander Nehamas
February 4, 1988 issue
Three Photos of Colette
The Complete Claudine: "Claudine at School," "Claudine in Paris," "Claudine Married," "Claudine and Annie"
by Colette, translated by Antonia White
The Retreat From Love
by Colette, translated by Margaret Crosland
Chéri / The Last of Chéri
by Colette, translated by Roger Senhouse
The Evening Star
by Colette, translated by David Le Vay
The Blue Lantern
by Colette, translated by Roger Senhouse
My Mother's House / Sido
by Colette, translated by Una V. Troubridge and Enid McLeod
Break of Day
by Colette, translated by Enid McLeod
The Pure and the Impure
by Colette, translated by Herma Briffault
Mitsou / Music-Hall Sidelights
by Colette, translated by Raymond Postgate and Anne-Marie Callimachi
The Vagabond
by Colette, translated by Enid McLeod
April 14, 1977 issue
Theatrical Sartre
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by Jean-Paul Sartre, compiled and edited by Michel Contat and Michel Rybalka
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The Battered, Triumphant Sage
Tribute to Freud
by HD
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by Paul Roazen
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by Russell Jacoby
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The Scientific Psychology of Sigmund Freud
Freud: A Collection of Critical Essays
edited by Richard Wollheim
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The Anatomy of Mind
Freud and His Followers
by Paul Roazen
Freud: A Collection of Critical Essays
edited by Richard Wollheim
Tribute to Freud
by HD
Social Amnesia: A Critique of Conformist Psychology from Adler to Laing
by Russell Jacoby
April 17, 1975 issue
Mr. Blotner, Mr. Feaster, and Mr. Faulkner
Faulkner: A Biography
by Joseph Blotner
June 27, 1974 issue
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