
The Cold War and Détente

A World Destroyed: The Atomic Bomb and the Grand Alliance

by Martin J. Sherwin

Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin 1941-1946

by W. Averell Harriman and Elie Abel

Writing in the Shadow of the Monolith

Tales of the Mountains and Steppes

by Aitmatoy Ch.

The White Ship

by Aitmatoy Ch.

The Ascent of Mount Fuji

by Aitmatoy Ch.

Stikhi (Poems)

by Bella Akhmadulina

Selected Poems

by Iosif Brodsky

Chast'rechi (Part of Speech)

by Iosif Brodsky

Forbidden Fruit

by Fazil Iskander

Sandro iz Chegema (Sandro from Chegem), Novy Mir

by Fazil Iskander

The Goatibex Constellation

by Fazil Iskander

To Be Preserved Forever, in English

by Lev Kopelev

Khranit' vechno, in Russian

by Lev Kopelev

Vremena (Times)

by Naum Korzhavin

(Three Tales), Novy Zhurnal (The New Review)

by Yury Mamleev

Blondin obeego tsveta (The Blond of Both Colors)

by Vladimir Maramzin

Istoriia zhenit'by Ivana Petrovicha (The Story of Ivan Petrovich's Marriage), Continent

by Vladimir Maramzin

Collected Tales (in Russian)

by Vladimir Maramzin

Seven Days of Creation

by Vladimir Maximov

Kalina krasnaia (Red Snowball-Tree)

by Vasily Shukshin

Shkola dlia durakov (A School for Fools)

by Sasha Sokolov

White Grass

by V. Soloukhin

Prigovor (The Sentence)

by V. Soloukhin

Telenok bodalsia s dubom (The Calf Butts the Oak)

by A. Solzhenitsyn

Lenin v Tsiurikhe (Lenin in Zurich)

by A. Solzhenitsyn

The GULAG Archipelago Two

by A. Solzhenitsyn

Dolgoe proshchanie (A Long Goodbye)

by Yury Trifonov

"The Exchange," Russian Literature Triquarterly

by Yury Trifonov

Drugaia zhizn' ("Another Life")

by Yury Trifonov

Zhizn' i neobychainye prikliucheniia soldata Ivana Chonkin (The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin)

by V. Voinovich

Ivan'kiada (Ivankiada)

by V. Voinovich

"An Incident in the Metropole," Continent

by V. Voinovich

Kontinent (Continent) Anchor/Doubleday

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The Ultra Ultra Secret

Bodyguard of Lies

by Anthony Cave Brown

The Last Days of New York

What brought New York City to bankruptcy?

Summoning Up the Kabbalah

Kabbalah and Criticism

by Harold Bloom

Myths of the Food Crisis

Give Us This Day…A Report on the World Food Crisis

by the Staff of The New York Times

Food: Politics, Economics, Nutrition and Research

edited by Philip H. Abelson

Vindicating Mary Wollstonecraft

Thoughts on the education of daughters: with reflections on female conduct, in the more important duties of life

by Mary Wollstonecraft, edited and introduced by Gina Luria

Mary, a fiction

by Mary Wollstonecraft, edited and introduced by Gina Luria

A vindication of the rights of woman: with strictures on political and moral subjects

by Mary Wollstonecraft, edited and introduced by Gina Luria and Miriam Kramnick

An Historical and Moral View of the Origin and Progress of the French Revolution and the Effect it has Produced in Europe

by Mary Wollstonecraft, with an introduction by Janet M. Todd

Posthumous works, Vol. 1: The wrongs of woman, or Maria (1st eight chapters)

by Mary Wollstonecraft, edited by William Godwin, edited and introduced by Gina Luria

Posthumous works, Vol. 2: The wrongs of woman, or Maria (chapter 9 to end) and The first book of a series of lessons for children

by Mary Wollstonecraft, edited by William Godwin, edited and introduced by Gina Luria

Posthumous works, Vol. 3: Letters ["to Imlay"]

by Mary Wollstonecraft, edited by William Godwin, edited and introduced by Gina Luria

Posthumous works, Vol. 4: Miscellaneous pieces

by Mary Wollstonecraft, edited by William Godwin, edited and introduced by Gina Luria

Maria, or The Wrongs of Woman

by Mary Wollstonecraft, with an introduction by Moira Ferguson

Memoirs of the author of a vindication of the rights of woman

by William Godwin, edited and introduced by Gina Luria

Mary Wollstonecraft: A Critical Biography

by Ralph M. Wardle

Godwin and Mary

edited by Ralph M. Wardle

Mary Wollstonecraft

by Eleanor Flexner

The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft

by Claire Tomalin

A Different Face: The Life of Mary Wollstonecraft

by Emily Sunstein

Aspects généraux du roman féminin en Angleterre de 1740 à 1800 nouvelle série #52, Editions Ophrys 1966

by Philippe Séjourné

La Destinée féminine dans le roman européean du dix-huitième siècle 1713-1807: Essai de gynécomythie romanesque

by Pierre Fauchery

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Looking for the Lost Generation

Published in Paris: American and British Writers, Printers, and Publishers in Paris, 1920-1939

by Hugh Ford, with a foreword by Janet Flanner

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