Saul Steinberg
text by Harold Rosenberg
Saul Steinberg April 14 - July 9, 1978
an exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City
Thomas Hardy After Fifty Years
edited by Lance St John Butler
Thomas Hardy's Later Years
by Robert Gittings
Young Thomas Hardy
by Robert Gittings
An Essay on Hardy
by John Bayley
The Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy: Volume I, 1840-1892
edited by Richard Little Purdy, edited by Michael Millgate
Thomas Hardy and the British Tradition
by Donald Davie
The Complete Poems of Thomas Hardy
edited by James Gibson
The Parties: Republicans and Democrats in This Century
by Henry Fairlie
Sir Charles Eastlake and the Victorian Art World
by David Robertson
Russian Thinkers
by Isaiah Berlin, edited by Aileen Kelly and Henry Hardy
The Restructuring of Social and Political Theory
by Richard J. Bernstein
Structural Stability and Morphogenesis: An Outline of a General Theory of Models
by René Thom, translated by D.H. Fowler, with a foreword by C.H. Waddington
Catastrophe Theory: Selected Papers 1972-1977
by E.C. Zeeman
Catastrophe Theory
by Alexander Woodcock and Monte Davis
Catastrophe Theory and Its Applications
by Tim Poston and Ian Stewart
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