
Neal Ascherson

Neal Ascherson is the author of Stone Voices: The Search for Scotland, Black Sea, and the novel The Death of the Fronsac, among other books. He is an Honorary Professor at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. (December 2023)

In Search of Britannia

The Debatable Land: The Lost World Between Scotland and England

by Graham Robb

November 22, 2018 issue

By the Skin of Our Teeth

The Cold War: A World History

by Odd Arne Westad

The Marshall Plan: Dawn of the Cold War

by Benn Steil

May 24, 2018 issue

Death in Trieste


by Claudio Magris, translated from the Italian by Anne Milano Appel

February 8, 2018 issue

Corrective Affinities


by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, translated from the German by Mike Mitchell

New Selected Poems

by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, translated from the German by David Constantine, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Michael Hamburger, and Esther Kinsky

Mr Zed’s Reflections: or Breadcrumbs He Dropped, Gathered Up by His Listeners

by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, translated from the German by Wieland Hoban

Writing with the Words of Others: Essays on the Poetry of Hans Magnus Enzensberger

by Alan J. Clayton

October 26, 2017 issue

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