
Lessons of a Master

The Genuine Article: A Historian Looks at Early America

by Edmund S. Morgan

Babylon on the Subway

The Devil's Playground: A Century of Pleasure and Profit in Times Square

by James Traub

Ghosts of 42nd Street: A History of America's Most Infamous Block

by Anthony Bianco

Adam’s Umbrella

How to Quiet a Vampire

by Borislav Pekiå«c, translated from the Serbian by Stephen M. Dickey and Bogdan Rakic

Patriot Games

Who Are We?: The Challenges to America's National Identity

by Samuel P. Huntington

Reason: Why Liberals Will Win the Battle for America

by Robert B. Reich

On Paradise Drive: How We Live Now (And Always Have) in the Future Tense

by David Brooks

The Two Americas: Our Current Political Deadlock and How to Break It

by Stanley B. Greenberg

The Working Poor: Invisible in America

by David K. Shipler

Minding the Brain

Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain

by Antonio Damasio

Heart of Darkness

The Faith of a Writer: Life, Craft, Art

by Joyce Carol Oates

Rape: A Love Story

by Joyce Carol Oates

I'll Take You There

by Joyce Carol Oates

The Tattooed Girl

by Joyce Carol Oates

I Am No One You Know

by Joyce Carol Oates

That Old Labyrinth Song

The Maze and the Warrior: Symbols in Architecture, Theology, and Music

by Craig Wright

A Little Iliad


a film directed by Wolfgang Petersen

The Awful Truth

Nothing Lost

by John Gregory Dunne

A Little Leap Forward

China's Democratic Future: How It Will Happen and Where It Will Lead

by Bruce Gilley

It Happened One Night

A Sentimental Murder: Love and Madness in the Eighteenth Century

by John Brewer

The Return of Martin Guerre

by Natalie Zemon Davis

The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II

by Iris Chang

The Nanjing Massacre: A Japanese Journalist Confronts Japan's National Shame

by Katsuichi Honda, edited by Frank Gibney

Nanking: Anatomy of an Atrocity

by Masahiro Yamamoto

The Nanjing Massacre in History and Historiography

edited by Joshua A. Fogel

Martyred Village: Commemorating the 1944 Massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane

by Sarah Farmer

The Collaborator: The Trial and Execution of Robert Brassillach

by Alice Kaplan

Bloody Saturday in the Soviet Union: Novocherkassk, 1962

by Samuel H. Baron

An Absolute Massacre: The New Orleans Race Riot of July 30, 1866

by James G. Hollandsworth Jr

An Ordinary Atrocity: Sharpeville and Its Massacre

by Philip Frankel

Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland

by Jan T. Gross

Testing the New Deal: The General Textile Strike of 1934in the American South

by Janet Irons

Contesting the New South Order: The 1914–1915 Strike at Atlanta's Fulton Mills

by Clifford M. Kuhn

The Meetinghouse Tragedy: An Episode in the Life of a New England Town

by Charles E. Clark

The Great Arizona Orphan Abduction

by Linda Gordon

A Poisoned Chalice

by Jeffrey Freedman

The Rule of Justice: The People of Chicago versus Zephyr Davis

by Elizabeth Dale

The Politics of Court Scandal in Early Modern England: News, Culture and the Overbury Affair, 1603–1660

by Alastair Bellany

The Perreaus and Mrs. Rudd: Forgery and Betrayal in Eighteenth-Century London

by Donna T. Andrew and Randall McGowen

Walk Towards the Gallows: The Tragedy of Hilda Blake, Hanged 1899

by Reinhold Kramer and Tom Mitchell

Trials of Intimacy: Love and Loss in the Beecher-Tilton Scandal

by Richard Wightman Fox

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