
The Nerve of Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

an exhibition at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, October 27, 2007–January 20, 2008; the Philadelphia Museum of Art, February 20–May 18, 2008; and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, June 16–September 28, 2008.

The Truth About Putin and Medvedev

Putin. Itogi. Nezavisimyi Ekspertnyi Doklad (Putin: The Results: An Independent Expert Report)

by Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Milov

An Epic of the Everglades

Shadow Country: A New Rendering of the Watson Legend

by Peter Matthiessen

The Arab Spring, and After

Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East

by Robin Wright

‘Something Marvellous to Tell’

Due Considerations: Essays and Criticism

by John Updike

Where Shall the Preaching Stop?

Liberty of Conscience: In Defense of America's Tradition of Religious Equality

by Martha C. Nussbaum

Displaced Passions

Unaccustomed Earth

by Jhumpa Lahiri

Falling Stars

Artists in Exile: How Refugees from Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts

by Joseph Horowitz.

The Great Marathon Man

The Landmark Herodotus: The Histories

edited by Robert B. Strassler, translated from the Greek by Andrea L. Purvis, with an introduction by Rosalind Thomas

A Commentary on Herodotus Books I–IV

by David Asheri, Alan Lloyd, and Aldo Corcella, edited by Oswyn Murray and Alfonso Moreno, with a contribution by Maria Brosius

Our Socially Gifted Cousins

Jane Goodall: The Woman Who Redefined Man

by Dale Peterson

Harvest of Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating

by Jane Goodall with Gary McAvoy and Gail Hudson

Baboon Metaphysics: The Evolution of a Social Mind

by Dorothy L. Cheney and Robert M. Seyfarth

A ‘Mind in Seven Places’

Time and Materials: Poems 1997–2005

by Robert Hass

Playing in Time

A Concise History of Western Music

by Paul Griffiths

In the Heart of Darkness

To the End of Hell: One Woman's Struggle to Survive Cambodia's Khmer Rouge

by Denise Affonço, translated from the French by Margaret Burn and Katie Hogben, with introductions by David Chandler and Jon Swain

The Quest of Michel de Certeau

The Capture of Speech and Other Political Writings

translated from the French and with an afterword by Tom Conley, edited and with an introduction by Luce Giard

The Certeau Reader

edited by Graham Ward

Culture in the Plural

translated from the French and with an afterword by Tom Conley, edited and with an introduction by Luce Giard

Heterologies: Discourse on the Other

translated from the French by Brian Massumi, foreword by Wlad Godzich

The Mystic Fable, Volume One: The Sixteenthand Seventeenth Centuries

translated from the French by Michael B. Smith

The Possession at Loudun

translated from the French by Michael B. Smith, with a foreword by Stephen Greenblatt

The Practice of Everyday Life

translated from the French by Steven F. Rendall

The Writing of History

translated from the French by Tom Conley

Michel de Certeau: Interpretation and Its Other

by Jeremy Ahearne

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