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Bernard Avishai teaches political economy at Dartmouth College and business at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and is the author of The Tragedy of Zionism, among other books. He was made a Guggenheim fellow in 1987.
The Road to Disaster
West Bank Story
by Rafik Halabi, translated by Ina Friedman
June 10, 1982 issue
Do Israel’s Arabs Have a Future?
The Palestinians in Israel: A Study in Internal Colonialism
by Elia T. Zureik
Arab Education in Israel
by Sami Khalil Mar'i
Arabs in the Jewish State: Israel's Control of a National Minority
by Ian Lustick
Beyond the Gunsights: One Arab Family in the Promised Land
by Yoella Har-Shefi
February 19, 1981 issue
Friends and Enemies
The Palestinians
by Jonathan Dimbleby, photographs by Donald McCullin
Report and Recommendations of an Amnesty International Mission to the Government of the State of Israel, 3-7 June 1979
Arab Politics in Palestine 1917-1939: The Frustration of a National Movement
by Ann Mosely Lesch
February 5, 1981 issue
In Cold Blood
A Time of Terror: How Democratic Societies Respond to Revolutionary Violence
by J. Bowyer Bell
The Ultimate Weapon: Terrorists and World Order
by Jan Schreiber
The Gun and the Olive Branch: The Roots of Violence in the Middle East
by David Hirst
March 8, 1979 issue
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