The Voyage Out
Selby Wynn Schwartz’s novel After Sappho is populated by the notable lesbians who helped modernism blossom.
After Sappho
by Selby Wynn Schwartz
October 19, 2023 issue
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The Voyage Out
Selby Wynn Schwartz’s novel After Sappho is populated by the notable lesbians who helped modernism blossom.
After Sappho
by Selby Wynn Schwartz
October 19, 2023 issue
‘Binding and Building’ America
Maxine Hong Kingston’s best work has a timeless quality, fresh, beautiful, horrifying, bursting with myth and fantasy and nagging reality.
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Subjects of Considerable Gossip
Greta Garbo craved protection, and one such guardian was Salka Viertel, a nearly forgotten screenwriter who nurtured a community of fellow émigrés in postwar Hollywood.
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The Struggle and the Scramble
Cynthia Ozick’s writing hurtles forward with the force of anticipation and intellectual surprise.
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It Had to Be Her
Like the stories of most notorious women, Alma Mahler’s is one of sex and power. She had a liking and a talent for both.
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Heaven Can’t Wait
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I Am God
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Comic Noir
Paul Goldberg’s ‘The Château’ is the perfect summer beach book for those of us too agonized by the world as it is to escape into a summer beach book.
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