
Edmund White

Edmund White has written biographies of Jean Genet, Marcel Proust, and Arthur Rimbaud. His memoir The Unpunished Vice: A Life of Reading will be published in June. (June 2018)

Ecstatic Truth

Ecstatic Truth

A Dark Stranger

by Julien Gracq, translated from the French by Christopher Moncrieff

Château d’Argol

by Julien Gracq, translated from the French by Louise Varèse

The Opposing Shore

by Julien Gracq, translated from the French by Richard Howard

Balcony in the Forest

by Julien Gracq, translated from the French and with a foreword by Richard Howard

June 28, 2018 issue

Moreau, C’est Nous

Moreau, C’est Nous

Flaubert in the Ruins of Paris: The Story of a Friendship, a Novel, and a Terrible Year

by Peter Brooks

December 7, 2017 issue

Under a Spell

Under a Spell

Mystical Symbolism: The Salon de la Rose+Croix in Paris, 1892–1897

an exhibition at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City, June 30–October 4, 2017; and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, October 28, 2017–January 7, 2018

September 28, 2017 issue

The High Wire of Jean Cocteau

Jean Cocteau: A Life

by Claude Arnaud, translated from the French by Lauren Elkin and Charlotte Mandell

November 24, 2016 issue

The Great Jean Giono

Hill of Destiny

by Jean Giono


by Jean Giono, translated from the French by Henri Fluchère and Geoffrey Myers

To the Slaughterhouse

by Jean Giono, translated from the French by Norman Glass

The Malediction

by Jean Giono, translated from the French by Peter de Mendelssohn

The Horseman on the Roof

by Jean Giono, translated from the French by Jonathan Griffin


by Jean Giono

Oeuvres romanesque complètes, Vol. 1: Naissance de l’Odyssée, Colline, Un de Baumugnes, Regain, Solitude de la pitié, Le Grand Troupeau

by Jean Giono

Oeuvres romanesque complètes, Vol. 2: Jean le Bleu, Le Chant du monde, Que ma joie demeure, Batailles dans la montagne

by Jean Giono

Oeuvres romanesque complètes, Vol. 3: Pour saluer Melville, L’Eau vive, Un Roi sans divertissement, Noé, Fragments d’un paradis

by Jean Giono

Oeuvres romanesque complètes, Vol. 4: Angelo, Mort d’un personage, Le Hussard sur le toit, Le Bonheur fou

by Jean Giono

Oeuvres romanesque complètes, Vol. 5: Les Récits de la demi-brigade, Faust au village, Les Âmes fortes, Les Grands Chemins, Le Moulin de Pologne, L’Homme qui plantait des arbres, Une Aventure ou la foudre et le sommet, Hortense, Le Petit Garçon

by Jean Giono

Oeuvres romanesque complètes, Vol. 6: Deux Cavaliers de l’orage, Le Déserteur—Ennemonde et autres caractères, L’Iris de Suse, Récits inachevés: Cœurs, passions, caractères, Caractères, Dragoon, Olympe

by Jean Giono

Récits et essais

by Jean Giono

See all reviewed works
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June 5, 2014 issue

The Lost Novelist

Dreadful: The Short Life and Gay Times of John Horne Burns

by David Margolick

August 15, 2013 issue

Bold When It Counted

The Tender Hour of Twilight: Paris in the ’50s, New York in the ’60s: A Memoir of Publishing’s Golden Age

by Richard Seaver, edited by Jeannette Seaver

April 5, 2012 issue

The Rogue Genius

The Rogue Genius

Malaparte: Vies et Légendes

by Maurizio Serra


by Curzio Malaparte, translated from the Italian by Cesare Foligno, with an afterword by Dan Hofstadter

The Skin

by Curzio Malaparte, translated from the Italian by David Moore

October 27, 2011 issue

The Beats: Pictures of a Legend

Beat Memories: The Photographs of Allen Ginsberg

an exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., May 2–September 6, 2010

August 19, 2010 issue

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