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Ian Frazier is the author of thirteen books, including Great Plains, Family, On the Rez, and Travels in Siberia. Paradise Bronx: The Life and Times of New York’s Greatest Borough was published in August. (September 2024)
Can We Talk!
Can Babel work? An exhilarating new book about preserving the languages of the most linguistically diverse city in history believes it can.
Language City: The Fight to Preserve Endangered Mother Tongues in New York
by Ross Perlin
September 19, 2024 issue
The Plunder and the Pity
Alicia Puglionesi explores the damage white supremacy did to Native Americans and their land.
Common Phantoms: An American History of Psychic Science
by Alicia Puglionesi
In Whose Ruins: Power, Possession, and the Landscapes of American Empire
by Alicia Puglionesi
February 8, 2024 issue
Grim Reapers
Mega-agriculture is destroying the Corn Belt and the Central Valley, which the country’s food system depends on. Can midsize farms survive to save it?
Perilous Bounty: The Looming Collapse of American Farming and How We Can Prevent It
by Tom Philpott
The Farmer’s Lawyer: The North Dakota Nine and the Fight to Save the Family Farm
by Sarah Vogel
February 9, 2023 issue
‘Part of Why We Survived’
A new history of the long tradition of Native comedy, inside and outside mainstream entertainment
We Had a Little Real Estate Problem: The Unheralded Story of Native Americans in Comedy
by Kliph Nesteroff
The Comedians: Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels and the History of American Comedy
by Kliph Nesteroff
January 13, 2022 issue
The Plushbottoms of Teton County
Life in the richest and most unequal county in America.
Billionaire Wilderness: The Ultra-Wealthy and the Remaking of the American West
by Justin Farrell
December 17, 2020 issue
Staying Native
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present
by David Treuer
August 15, 2019 issue
Rough Riders
The Last Cowboys: A Pioneer Family in the New West
by John Branch
October 25, 2018 issue
The Magic of the Oldest Pueblo
How the World Moves: The Odyssey of an American Indian Family
by Peter Nabokov
The Origin Myth of Acoma Pueblo
by Edward Proctor Hunt, with an introduction by Peter Nabokov, translated from the Keresan by Henry Wayne Wolf Robe Hunt and Wilbert Edward Blue Sky Eagle Hunt
October 27, 2016 issue
Who Can Find the True West?
The Oregon Trail: A New American Journey
by Rinker Buck
October 8, 2015 issue
A Strangely Funny Russian Genius
The absurdist, religious Daniil Kharms
“I Am a Phenomenon Quite Out of the Ordinary”: The Notebooks, Diaries, and Letters of Daniil Kharms
selected, translated from the Russian, and edited by Anthony Anemone and Peter Scotto
Today I Wrote Nothing: The Selected Writings of Daniil Kharms
edited and translated from the Russian by Matvei Yankelevich
The Old Woman
by Daniil Kharms, adapted by Darryl Pinckney, directed by Robert Wilson
Moi Muzh Daniil Kharms [My Husband Daniil Kharms]
by Marina Durnovo with Vladimir Glotser
OBERIU: An Anthology of Russian Absurdism
edited by Eugene Ostashevsky, translated from the Russian by Eugene Ostashevsky and Matvei Yankelevich
An Invitation for Me to Think
by Alexander Vvedensky, selected and translated from the Russian by Eugene Ostashevsky, with additional translations by Matvei Yankelevich
May 7, 2015 issue
‘A New Way of Life’
Self-Help Messiah: Dale Carnegie and Success in Modern America
by Steven Watts
October 9, 2014 issue
Let Us Now Praise James Agee
Cotton Tenants: Three Families
by James Agee and Walker Evans, edited by John Summers and with a preface by Adam Haslett
November 7, 2013 issue
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