
John Updike

John Updike (1932–2009) was born in Shillington, Pennsylvania. In 1954 he began to publish in The New Yorker, where he continued to contribute short stories, poems, and criticism until his death. His major work was the set of four novels chronicling the life of Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom, two of which, Rabbit is Rich and Rabbit at Rest, won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. His last books were the novel The Widows of Eastwick and Due Considerations, a collection of his essays and criticism.


Georges Seurat: The Drawings

Catalog of the exhibition by Jodi Hauptman, with essays by Karl Buchberg, Hubert Damisch, Bridget Riley, Richard Shiff, and Richard Thomson

January 17, 2008 issue

The Purest of Styles

Vincent van Gogh—Painted with Words: The Letters to Émile Bernard

Catalog of the exhibition by Leo Jansen, Hans Luijten, and Nienke Bakker

November 22, 2007 issue

Serra’s Triumph

Richard Serra Sculpture: Forty Years

Catalog of the exhibition by Kynaston McShine and Lynne Cooke

July 19, 2007 issue

After Katrina

New Orleans After the Flood: Photographs by Robert Polidori

an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

After the Flood

by Robert Polidori, with an introduction by Jeff L. Rosenheim

November 30, 2006 issue

The Artful Clarks

The Clark Brothers Collect: Impressionist and Early Modern Paintings

Catalog of the exhibition by Michael Conforti, James A. Ganz, Neil Harris, Sarah Lees, Gilbert T. Vincent, and others.

October 5, 2006 issue

The Artist as Prospector

Frederic Church, Winslow Homer, and Thomas Moran: Tourism and the American Landscape

Catalog of the exhibition by Gail S. Davidson, Floramae McCarron-Cates,Barbara Bloemink, Sarah Burns, and Karal Ann Marling

August 10, 2006 issue

Love of Fact

Treasures from Olana: Landscapes by Frederic Edwin Church

Catalog of the exhibit by Kevin J. Avery, with anintroduction by John Wilmerding

March 23, 2006 issue

Determined Spirit

Determined Spirit

Vincent Van Gogh: The Drawings

Catalog of the exhibition by Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heughten, and Marije Vellekoop

December 1, 2005 issue

Making Faces

Gilbert Stuart

Catalog of the exhibition by Carrie Rebora Barratt and Ellen G. Miles

December 2, 2004 issue

Street Arab

Childe Hassam, American Impressionist

Catalog of the exhibition edited by H. Barbara Weinberg

July 15, 2004 issue

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