
Merve Emre

Merve Emre is the Shapiro-Silverberg Professor of Creative Writing and Criticism and the Director of the Shapiro Center at Wesleyan. She is the host of The Critic and Her Publics, a new podcast series produced in partnership with The New York Review and Lit Hub. (April 2024)


The Meticulous One

The Meticulous One

Her novels cast a pitiless light on the relationship between patriarchy and fascism.


by Ingeborg Bachmann, with an introduction by Rachel Kushner, and translated from the German by Philip Boehm

The Book of Franza and Requiem for Fanny Goldmann

by Ingeborg Bachmann, translated from the German and with an introduction by Peter Filkins

War Diary

by Ingeborg Bachmann, with letters from Jack Hamesh, edited and with an afterword by Hans Höller, and translated from the German by Mike Mitchell


by Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan, edited and with commentaries by Bertrand Badiou, Hans Höller, Andrea Stoll, and Barbara Wiedemann, and translated from the German by Wieland Hoban

October 22, 2020 issue

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