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Nick Laird’s fifth book of poems, Up Late, is published in June in the UK and will appear in the US this fall. He is the Seamus Heaney Professor of Poetry at Queen’s University, Belfast. (June 2023)
Auden’s Dialectic
In Auden’s complete poems, edited by Edward Mendelson, the poet veers from puckish youth to adult diagnostician and back again.
by W.H. Auden, edited by Edward Mendelson
April 6, 2023 issue
Partial Reports
Whatever You Say, Say Nothing, Gilles Peress’s collection of photographs from the Troubles, presents an overwhelming narrative of Republican heroics.
Whatever You Say, Say Nothing
by Gilles Peress, with texts by Chris Klatell
March 10, 2022 issue
Blood and Brexit
Every evil act I’ve ever seen committed was done in the name of identity.
January 16, 2020 issue
Positive Capability
Like the honest politician or the reality TV star, the prose poem is an oxymoron.
The Penguin Book of the Prose Poem: From Baudelaire to Anne Carson
edited and with an introduction by Jeremy Noel-Tod
November 7, 2019 issue
The Cold Eye of Marianne Moore
New Collected Poems
by Marianne Moore, edited by Heather Cass White
May 10, 2018 issue
‘A New Way of Writing About Race’
Claudia Rankine’s ‘Citizen’
Citizen: An American Lyric
by Claudia Rankine
April 23, 2015 issue
A Lover’s Quarrel with the World
Jump Soul: New and Selected Poems
by Charlie Smith
November 20, 2014 issue
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