


by Douglas MacArthur

The Last Poems of Theodore Roethke

The Far Field

by Theodore Roethke

Sequence, Sometimes Metaphysical

by Theodore Roethke, with wood engravings by John Roy

His Watery Beer

Rupert Brooke

by Christopher Hassall


Crisis in Black and White

by Charles E. Silberman

The New Equality

by Nat Hentoff

White and Black: Test of a Nation

by Samuel Lubell

Why We Can't Wait

by Martin Luther King

To Be Equal

by Whitney Young

At Anthony Powell’s

The Valley of Bones

by Anthony Powell

An Ideal Critic

The Living Novel and Later Appreciations

by V.S. Pritchett


“There is altogether too much fraud, delusion, and incompetence around. This is bound to give the whole subject a bad smell.”

Parapsychology: An Insider's View of ESP

by J. Gaither Pratt

Croiset the Clairvoyant

by Jack Harrison Pollack

Experimental Psychical Research

by Robert H. Thouless

Lectures on Psychical Research

by C.D. Broad

Knowledge for What?

Human Behavior: An Inventory of Scientific Findings

by Bernard Berelson and Gary A. Steiner

The Big Two

Political Power: USA-USSR: Similarities and Contrasts, Convergence or Evolution

by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel P. Huntington

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