Kepler's Dream
by John Lear. with the full text of Somnium, Sive Astronomia Lunaris Joannis Kepleri, translated by Patricia Frueh Kirkwood
Power and the Soviet Elite
by Boris I. Nicolaevsky, edited by Janet D. Zagoria
Collected Poems
by Theodore Roethke
Theodore Roethke: An Introduction to the Poetry
by Karl Malkoff
The Mafia and Politics
by Michele Pantaleone, with a Preface by Carlo Levi, translated by Margaret Stephens
The Sins of the Fathers: Hawthorne's Psychological Themes
by Frederick C. Crews
Hawthorne: A Collection of Critical Essays
edited by A.N. Kaul
The Bolsheviks
by Adam B. Ulam
Stalin's Russia
by Francis B. Randall
The Soviet Political System
by A.G. Meyer
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