
In Praise of Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf and Her Works

by Jean Guiguet

A Pariah

The Fixer

by Bernard Malamud


Kepler's Dream

by John Lear. with the full text of Somnium, Sive Astronomia Lunaris Joannis Kepleri, translated by Patricia Frueh Kirkwood

A Source of Light

Power and the Soviet Elite

by Boris I. Nicolaevsky, edited by Janet D. Zagoria

Aboriginal Poet

Collected Poems

by Theodore Roethke

Theodore Roethke: An Introduction to the Poetry

by Karl Malkoff

‘The Society of Friends’

The Mafia and Politics

by Michele Pantaleone, with a Preface by Carlo Levi, translated by Margaret Stephens

Hawthorne in Analysis

The Sins of the Fathers: Hawthorne's Psychological Themes

by Frederick C. Crews

Hawthorne: A Collection of Critical Essays

edited by A.N. Kaul

One of the Boys

Twentyone Twice: A Journal

by Mark Harris

Inside the Whale

The Bolsheviks

by Adam B. Ulam

Stalin's Russia

by Francis B. Randall

The Soviet Political System

by A.G. Meyer

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