
Slavery, Race, and the Poor

Black History: A Reappraisal

edited by Melvin Drimmer

American Negro Slavery: A Modern Reader

edited by Allen Weinstein, edited by Frank Otto Gatell

White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro 1550-1812

by Winthrop D. Jordan

Race Relations

by Michael Banton

Viva Zapata

Zapata and the Mexican Revolution

by John Womack Jr.

Chasing Reality

Mosby's Memoirs

by Saul Bellow


Thirteen Days

by Robert F. Kennedy, with Introductions by Harold Macmillan and Robert S. McNamara

A Nice Place to Visit


by Mary McCarthy

Trip to Hanoi

by Susan Sontag

The Real McCoy

The Teachers Strike: New York, 1968

by Martin Mayer

Not My Bag

The Bag

by Sol Yurick

The Universal Baseball Association, Inc.

by Robert Coover

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