
In the Cage

Henry James: The Treacherous Years 1895-1901

by Leon Edel

Catching Up with the Avant-Garde

Art News Annual, XXXIII "The Academy: Five Centuries of Grandeur and Misery from the Carracci to Mao Tse-Tung"

edited by Thomas B. Hess, edited by John Ashbery

Art News Annual, XXXIV "The Avant-Garde"

edited by Thomas B. Hess, edited by John Ashbery

Art Forum, March 1969 "Manet's Sources
Aspects of His Art, 1859-1865"

by Michael Fried

Word and Image: Posters from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art.

Museum of Modern Art

Art and Revolution: Ernst Neizvestny and the Role of the Artist in the USSR

by John Berger

A Polished Dissenter

Collected Essays including The Lost Childhood

by Graham Greene

Historical Justice and the Cold War

The Politics of War

by Gabriel Kolko


Going Places

by Leonard Michaels


by Lucy Warner

What I'm Going to Do, I Think

by L. Woiwode

A Nest of Ninnies

by John Ashbery and James Schuyler

End of the Line

Action This Day: Working With Churchill

Memoirs by Lord Normanbrook and Others, edited and with an Introduction by Sir John Wheeler-Bennet

Jennie: The Life of Lady Randolph Churchill

by Ralph Martin

Churchill Revised: A Critical Assessment

by A.J.P. Taylor. and, Others

Churchill as Historian

by Maurice Ashley

Churchill in His Time (to be published on October 24 by Houghton Mifflin as Churchill in Power: As Seen by His Contemporaries)

by Brian Gardner

Blue Blood and Divine Right

Historical Memoirs, 1691-1709

by Duc de Saint-Simon, edited and translated by Lucy Norton

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