People vs. Butcher
by Eliot Asinof
Police Power
by Paul Chevigny
Varieties of Police Behavior
by James Q. Wilson
The Police: A Sociological Study of Law, Custom and Morality
by William A. Westley
The Shattered Dream: Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression
by Gene Smith
Adam and the Train: Two Novels
by Heinrich Böll
by Paul Horgan
The Dick
by Bruce Jay Friedman
The Ghost of Henry James
by David Plante
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist: Studies in the Libertarian and Utopian Tradition
by Alexander Berkman, with an Introduction by Kenneth Rexroth
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist: Studies in the Libertarian and Utopian Tradition
by Alexander Berkman, with an Introductory Note by Hutchins Hapgood, a new Introduction by Paul Goodman
The Tears of the Indians
by Bartolomé de Las Casas, translated by John Philips
The Life of Las Casas
by Sir Arthur Helps
The Chronicles of Michoacán
translated and edited by Eugene R. Craine and Reginald C. Reindorp
Gold, Glory, and the Gospel
by Louis B. Wright
The Conquest of the Incas
by John Hemming
Johnson on Shakespeare
edited by Arthur Sherbo, with an Introduction by Bertrand H. Bronson
Shakespearian and other Studies
by F.P. Wilson, edited by Helen Gardner
Shakespeare the Craftsman
by M.C. Bradbrook
Shakespeare: The Pattern in his Carpet
by Francis Fergusson
The Tragic Engagement: A Study of Shakespeare's Classical Tragedies
by Judah Stampfer
The Tiger's Heart: Eight Essays on Shakespeare
by Herbert Howarth
Motiveless Malignity
by Louis Auchincloss
Macbeth and the Players
by Dennis Bartholomeusz
The Pillar of the World: Antony and Cleopatra in Shakespeare's Development
by Julian Markels
Iago: Some Approaches to the Illusion of his Motivation
by Stanley Edgar Hyman
Reinterpretations of Elizabethan Drama
edited by Norman Rabkin
An Essay on Shakespeare's Sonnets
by Stephen Booth
Shakespeare's Verbal Art in Th'Expence of Spirit
by Roman Jakobson and Lawrence G. Jones
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